Workers Rank Health Care as the Most Critical Issue in the United States

October 2018
EBRI Issue Brief #459

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Executive Summary

The EBRI/Greenwald & Associates Health and Workplace Benefits Survey (WBS) examines a broad spectrum of health care issues, including workersf satisfaction with health care today, their confidence in the health care system, and their attitudes toward benefits in the workplace. It is co-sponsored by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald & Associates with support from five private organizations.

The 2018 survey was conducted June 21–27, 2018, using Research Nowfs online consumer research panel. A total of 1,025 workers in the United States ages 21–64 participated in the survey. The data are weighted by gender, age, and education to reflect the actual proportions in the employed population.

  1. For example, only 45 percent of workers indicate they are extremely or very confident about their ability to get the treatments they need today, and even fewer (36 percent) are confident about their ability to get needed treatments during the next 10 years.
  2. Similarly, 34 percent of workers say they are confident that they are able to afford health care without financial hardship today, but this percentage decreases to just 30 percent when they look out over the next 10 years.